Occupational Choice: Life Choice
Choosing a career is the most important life decision made in adolescence, it is a part of personal identity success and, in reality, is more of a permanent choice than choosing a partner, considering that 50% marriages today end in divorce. Accordin, [...]
Jealousy and envy
Love is so much more authentic when it is born out of sympathy and not desire, because it's the only way to keep it from getting hurt. Durrell Freud (1922) first formulated the mechanism of pathological jealousy in the Schreber case and then elabo, [...]
Role of the mirror of the mother and the family in the development of the child
Winnicott's approach to the mother-baby relationship began with his work as a paediatrician and later as a psychoanalyst. His training led him to state some important things such as: “There is no such thing as a baby, if I am in front of a baby, I , [...]
Conference for women entrepreneurs
Dr. Eva Marcuschamer Stavchansky How do we women want to be accompanied? Most women marry for companionship and children, but children are not simply considered a blessing as they also include economic and emotio, [...]